
Being a Woman, a Leading Role in a Time of Social Changes

2 minutos de lectura

Margarita Ducci
Network Representative of UN Global Compact Chile

From the moment of giving birth, giving life to another human being, and assuming the job of protecting the family as core of the society, women are called to be the leading roles in our history. And today – with our legitimate differences – we are at a turning point, more active than ever.

In Chile, during the first 50 years of the 20th century, in the so-called women’s emancipation, the woman, without putting aside her family role, timidly entered the labour, cultural worlds, and had a more relevant participation in political, economic and social themes. It left behind – as a bad memory – the old-fashioned role strictly limited to housework which, besides not being valued and recognised, it left behind chances for the development of women’s talent and their ability to contribute to the society.

So, since a few decades ago, every 8th of March, it’s commemorated the International Women’s Day. A moment to honour women and their talent, women and their world view, women and their intelligence, definitely, the integral woman who is today raising her voice for political and labour rights, gender equality and respect to her individuality, driving transformations that are changing the axis of thought at a global level and, by the way, the society as a whole.

Despite the achieved progress, it’s still important to progress on equality among genders, and empower all women and girls who are still apart from opportunities. The world of science, where women were practically marginalised, has seen great female scientists and brilliant minds who are currently showing some light on the future and bringing solutions that looked impossible to us.

Chile keeps some gender debts, like parity in senior positions and the elimination of the wage gap, at the same responsibility and labour. A sustainable human development requires creating conditions for equality, without leaving anyone behind, especially because it has been proved the huge contribution brought by the inclusion of women in labour, scientific and academic worlds, and their contribution to a fairer world.

Implementing measures that create new opportunities for the access to political positions, is also part of the Sustainable Development Goals signed by Chile. The quota system introduced in 2017 proved to be an effective instrument in that sense, as a transition to an equality culture. Reducing gender gaps in campaign funding is the next step, and it’s a job that must involve political parties, the state and the society.

In this sense, the contribution of civil society, especially foundations for culture and education, and academic ones, is fundamental to make progress on the construction of a fairer society, as well as developing a critical conscience to solve the problems we’re facing, with more innovative solutions.

Assuming these challenges involves doing transformative experiences that drive change on the roles traditionally played by men and women.

We are at a historical moment; men and women are not equal, but we must look for us to be ‘positive sidekicks’ in the construction of a more equal and fairer society, making it a reality today and inherit it for new generations.

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