Virtuous Association between State, Research Centres and Think Tanks
2 minutos de lectura
Laura Farías | PhD in Geography, University of Concepción | Member of the COP25 Scientific Committee | Researcher from the Centre of…
Blanca Rivera, Anthropologist from the National Training Program for Water User Organisations (CNR) A porter’s job has a long tradition in the…
Environmental Philanthropy by Francisca Cortés Solari
6 minutos de lectura
We need each others as informed citizens, aware and active to respond to the effects of climate change Francisca Cortés Solari, President…
Processing high volumes of waste that meet health and environmental standards: Circularity by DAS8
3 minutos de lectura
The business venture from the Bío Bío Region makes projects based on designs made 100% of recycled materials and 100% recyclable. The…